My Local Plan for Huntingdon Promoting Business Investment & Jobs Huntingdon is a region with enormous potential. As your MP I will work to… Rebuilding Hinchingbrooke Hospital Hinchingbrooke Hospital is a vital healthcare resource both locally and beyond… Improving our transport infrastructure Across Huntingdonshire we have seen a huge number of newly built homes,… A joined up approach to flood prevention Environmental changes have led to flooding from the River Great Ouse and our… Tackling crime, antisocial behaviour & rural crime This year Cambridgeshire Police will receive a budget increase of 6.1% and an… Latest News Visiting Huntingdon Compressor Station as part of the National Gas Grid A visit today to Huntingdon Compressor Station, a key piece of national… Visiting Spring Common Academy to discuss pressures on SEND after-school provision A really important visit this morning to Spring Common Academy in Huntingdon… Opening Alconbury Flood Group's new retention pond Out this weekend meeting with Alconbury Flood Group as we opened the new… Meeting with the Hinchingbrooke Hospital Programme Director regarding the RAAC rebuild Really productive to be able to spend some time at Hinchingbrooke Hospital this… Meeting with Animal Free Research about Herbie's Law Earlier today I met with Animal Free Research in Westminster to discuss their… Ben on Facebook Ben on Twitter Tweets by benobesejecty
Promoting Business Investment & Jobs Huntingdon is a region with enormous potential. As your MP I will work to…
Rebuilding Hinchingbrooke Hospital Hinchingbrooke Hospital is a vital healthcare resource both locally and beyond…
Improving our transport infrastructure Across Huntingdonshire we have seen a huge number of newly built homes,…
A joined up approach to flood prevention Environmental changes have led to flooding from the River Great Ouse and our…
Tackling crime, antisocial behaviour & rural crime This year Cambridgeshire Police will receive a budget increase of 6.1% and an…
Visiting Huntingdon Compressor Station as part of the National Gas Grid A visit today to Huntingdon Compressor Station, a key piece of national…
Visiting Spring Common Academy to discuss pressures on SEND after-school provision A really important visit this morning to Spring Common Academy in Huntingdon…
Opening Alconbury Flood Group's new retention pond Out this weekend meeting with Alconbury Flood Group as we opened the new…
Meeting with the Hinchingbrooke Hospital Programme Director regarding the RAAC rebuild Really productive to be able to spend some time at Hinchingbrooke Hospital this…
Meeting with Animal Free Research about Herbie's Law Earlier today I met with Animal Free Research in Westminster to discuss their…