This week I was able to meet with the POWI (People Opposing Woodhurst Incinerator) campaign group to discuss local concerns regarding the proposed medical waste incinerator at Envar's Woodhurst site. Also in attendance was current North-West Cambridgeshire MP Shailesh Vara, County Councillor Steve Criswell and District Councillors Cllr Jon Neish and Cllr Paul Hodgson-Jones.
Having spoken to concerned residents and the group it is clear that local opposition to the plans is strong. The prospect of a new medical waste incinerator burning 12,000 tonnes a year of healthcare waste from across the East of England is totally at odds with the interests of local residents, business and wildlife. Unwanted additional congestion will be generated by vehicles transporting the waste and our rural landscape will be blighted by the 26m high chimney required for the incinerator.
As the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Huntingdon I am committed to standing against unnecessary industrial development such as this which has a detrimental effect on our countryside and our quality of life.
You can read more about my campaign to stop the incinerator on my Campaigns page HERE.