Out this Saturday afternoon at the Huntingdonshire Neighbourhood Watch Annual General Meeting.
It’s hugely important as the Member of Parliament to understand the issues affecting residents across Huntingdonshire. Crime doesn’t stop at the constituency boundary.
Very interesting to hear from the Mayor of Huntingdon Karl Brockett and Inspector Colin Norden from Cambridgeshire Constabulary who outlined the challenges faced by local police officers regarding resources and the size of the area each Neighbourhood Officer has to cover.
Cambridgeshire is already one of the safest counties and within that Huntingdonshire is one of the safer areas, but there is still crime that needs to be tackled.
If you experience crime, even something you think is minor or trivial, please do report it to the police. Online reports only take a few minutes and each report helps to build Police intelligence, linking crimes together and building a detailed picture.
The Police would acknowledge themselves that there won’t always be a response to every report but reporting every crime does feed into the statistics which helps to drive police funding. Whilst funding needs to be reviewed, addressing this was one of my election pledges which I am committed to working towards.
My thanks to outgoing Chair Daniel Davis and new Chair Jo Hall for their hard work in running the Association. Thank you for the invitation today and the opportunity to meet the team.